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Career Conversion Programme (CCP) For SME Executives- Up to 90% Salary Support For Newly Hired

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Have your company recently hired a brand new employee within the past three months? If your new employee has been classified as a Professional, Manager, Executive or Technician (PMET) and falls under the category ‘Professionals’, ‘Managers’, ‘Executives’ and ‘Technicians’ (PMETs), then you can claim up to 70%-90% of their monthly salary capped at S$4,000- S$6,000 per month by enrolling in the Career Conversion Programme (CCP)
Funding Support
WSG’s Funding to Employers | Standard Rate | Enhanced Rate |
Salary Support |
Up to 70% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $4,000 per month) |
Up to 90% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $6,000 per month) For Singapore Citizen (SC) trainees who are unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more, and/or SC trainees aged 40 years and above in the year of commencement of the CCP. |
About Career Conversion Programme(CCP) for SME Executives
The CCP for SME Executives helps PMETs to reskill and take on new job roles in SMEs while supporting SMEs to recruit and train the right talent for their organizations.
The CCP also helps small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to adapt to an enterprise environment and acquire necessary foundational skills including human resource management, finance, administration, sales, and marketing. For PMETs who join SMEs from non-SME environments, the CCP will help to adapt to the SOPs, processes, and working conditions in SMEs, which might be different from a non-SME environment, requiring multitasking and taking on expanded job scopes.
Programme Details
Newly-hired PMETs will undergo a 3-month programme, which includes a 3-day workshop and structured On-The-Job Training (OJT) at the hiring SME.
Job Roles Under CCP for SME Executives
The CCP for SME Executives is open to a wide spectrum of PMET job roles in SMEs, including but not limited to the following areas:
Human Resource
Leadership and Management
Sales and Marketing, Business Development
Project Management
Operations and Administration
How Do I Qualify?
For SMEs:
SMEs will need to meet the following criteria to be eligible for WSG funding support:
- Companies registered or incorporated in Singapore;
- Employment size (at group level) of not more than 200; OR Annual sales turnover (at group level) of not more than S$100 million;
- At least 30% local shareholding being held by Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident;
- Must be able to offer full-time employment with a fixed monthly salary of at least $2,700 and at least a 12-month employment contract;
- Must put in place structured OJT for the candidate;
- Commit to CCP training arrangements for the trainees; and
- Be committed to working with WSG or its appointed programme partners on the necessary admin matters related to the programme.
For PMETs:
PMETs will need to meet the following criteria for SMEs to be eligible for WSG salary support:
Be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident who is keen to pursue a full-time career in an SME;
Have graduated or completed National Service at least 2 years prior at the point of application;
New job role trained for under the CCP should be substantially different from previous job role; or
Has held a similar role previously but was from a non-SME prior to joining the company
Must not be connected to the CCP participating company
Shareholder of CCP company or its related companies;
Related to the owners of the CCP company; and
Immediate ex-staff of the CCP company or related entities
FAQs- Participating SMEs
1. Will I still be eligible for the existing Jobs Growth Incentive payout if I enrol in CCP?
With the introduction of the Jobs Growth Incentive on 1 Sep 2020, WSG has made temporary adjustments to the salary support disbursements for all new hires on PCPs for the period between 1 Sep 2020 to 31 Mar 2022, which coincides with the qualifying period of the JGI.
The intent is to spread out salary support disbursements over a longer period to encourage companies to retain new hires under the CCPs. The duration of funding will now include the original training duration and an additional retention period equivalent to the training duration. Overall salary support funding per new hire remains unchanged.
Newly hired PMETs placed on CCP for SME Executives during this period may receive salary support from both initiatives (subject to respective caps in JGI and CCP).
New disbursement (for new hires on conversion programmes between 1 Sep 2020 – 31 March 2022)
Standard Rate: Up to 35% of Monthly Salary
(capped at $2,000 per month during training and retention period)
Enhanced Rate: Up to 45% of Monthly Salary
(capped at $3,000 per month during training and retention period)
Period of Salary Support: 2 x Training Duration of CCPs (i.e. 6 months)
2. Is there a restriction on how many PMETs I can sign up under the CCP for SME Executives?There is currently no restriction on the number of newly-hired PMETs that SMEs can sign up under CCP for SME Executives, so long as it fulfils the PMET eligibility criteria
3. I’ve recently hired a PMET who was previously on the CCP for SME Executives with another SME. Am I still eligible to participate in this CCP and qualify for the salary support?
Based on the above scenario, the SME and their newly-hired PMET would still be eligible to participate in CCP for SME Executives and qualify for salary support if they meet the programme eligibility criteria including career conversion requirement.
4. If my newly-hired PMET leaves my company before the completion of the 3-month OJT, can I hire a replacement? Am I still eligible for salary support?
Yes, SMEs may do so and can still benefit from the salary support. However, SMEs are required to send their new replacement PMET for the 3-day workshop and will have to restart and complete the three-month OJT with the new replacement PMET, in order to be eligible for the salary support.5. What if my newly-hired PMET leaves before the completion of the 3-month programme and I do not wish to replace the PMET. Am I still able to receive the salary support?
If the PMET leaves before the completion of the 3-month programme, the salary support would be pro-rated up to the individual’s last working/training day of the month. Hence, in this case, the company will still get the pro-rated salary support. However, the company will need to ensure that the 3-day workshop has been completed.
6. When would salary support commence?
Salary support will start when the OJT training commences, and will only be disbursed after the OJT and the workshop are successfully completed.
7. Previously, I have applied under the P-Max Scheme and successfully completed the workshop. However I have hired another PMET, Can I still apply for CCP?
Yes, Company can apply for CCP even though they have successfully claimed from the P-Max Scheme. For CCP, unlike P-Max where one can only apply once, CCP can be applied multiple times so long as it fulfils the PMET eligibility criteria
FAQs- Individual Participants
1. What is the structure of the Programme?
Newly-hired PMETs will undergo a 3 month programme, which includes a 3-day workshop and structured On-The-Job Training (OJT) at the hiring company.
Objectives of the 3 Day Workshop Day 1
PMET hires will learn techniques to help them acclimatise to the SME working environment
Day 2
PMET hires will learn foundational skills in various key business functional areas necessary to operate effectively in an SME environment
Day 3
Joint session between PMETs and their SME supervisors to facilitate interaction and alignment of work expectations, including job descriptions, jobs tasks and expected deliverables
2. Are fresh graduates eligible to participate in CCP for SME Executives?
Fresh graduates are not eligible to participate in this CCP. This programme supports local PMETs who have graduated or completed National Service for at least two years, whichever is later, at the point of application.
3. Are unemployed PMETs eligible to participate in CCP for SME Executives?
Unemployed PMETs are eligible, as long as they meet the full eligibility criteria for PMETs are as detailed in FAQ item 5 above.
4. Do I have to pay to participate in CCP for SME Executives?
No, PMET participants do not have to pay anything for their participation in the CCP.
5. What happens if I resign from the participating SME before the end of three months? Can I apply for a job with another SME/company or am I contractually bound? Will there be any penalty for me?
There is no bond imposed on PMET participants of the CCP for SME Executives. However, prevailing contractual agreements within each SME’s employment contracts with individual job seekers may apply.
How to register?
As there are few administrators for this programme, If you have hired any local PMETs within the last 3 months or any new hire, simply follow the registration steps below to register for the grant and we will get them to contact you.
(sign-up within 3 months upon new hire)
If you face any problem with registration, please WhatsApp us, or email us at towkay@smart-towkay.com
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FAQs- Individual Participants
PMET hires will learn techniques to help them acclimatise to the SME working environment
Day 2
PMET hires will learn foundational skills in various key business functional areas necessary to operate effectively in an SME environment
Day 3
Joint session between PMETs and their SME supervisors to facilitate interaction and alignment of work expectations, including job descriptions, jobs tasks and expected deliverables
How to register?
As there are few administrators for this programme, If you have hired any local PMETs within the last 3 months or any new hire, simply follow the registration steps below to register for the grant and we will get them to contact you.
(sign-up within 3 months upon new hire)
If you face any problem with registration, please WhatsApp us, or email us at towkay@smart-towkay.com
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