New Support Grants (Covid-19 Recovery Grant) & (Covid-19 Driver Relief Fund) Introduced To Help Singaporeans and Permanent Residents

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New support grants introduced to help Singaporean and permanent residents

New support grants (Covid-19 Recovery Grant & Covid-19 Driver Relief Fund) introduced to help Singaporeans and Permanent Residents affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and administered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) & Land Transport Authority (LTA), were launched on Wednesday (Dec 16, 2020) (Covid-19 Driver Relief Fund): This new scheme will replace the existing Special Relief Fund (February 2020) which drivers received monthly payouts of $300 per vehicle per month. Under the Covid-19 Driver Relief Fund, drivers will receive S$600 per vehicle per month between January- March 2021, and S$450 between April- June 2021 Those who are eligible for the Special Relief Fund will be automatically transitioned to the new scheme. **For drivers who have received the Covid-19 Driver Relief Fund will not be eligible for the New Covid-19 Recovery Grant (The Covid-19 Recovery Grant (CRG) Scheme): The Covid-19 Recovery Grant (CRG), focuses on lower and middle-income households that experience involuntary job loss, involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) or income loss due to the economic impact of Covid-19. Assistance Provided The financial support provided by CRG will be as follows: Up to S$700 per month for three months to employees who, at the point of application, are:

  • Unemployed due to retrenchment or involuntary contract termination; or

  • Placed on involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) for at least three consecutive months.

Up to S$500 per month for three months to:

  • Employees who are facing salary loss of at least 50% on average for at least three consecutive months at the point of application; and

  • SEPs who are facing an average loss in net trade income (NTI) of at least 50% over a period of at least three consecutive months at the point of application, compared to their average monthly NTI in 2019 or 2020.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age 21 years and above

  • Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents

  • Living in a property with an Annual Value not more than S$21,000 and should not own more than one property

  • Prior to Job or income loss, Household income of not more than S$7,800 or per capita household income of not more than S$2,600

  • Must have worked for at least 6 months cumulatively between Jan 2019- Dec 2020/ Self Employed Person should have declared annual net trade income in either 2019 or 2020

  • Proof of actively participated in job search or training 

  • Must be involuntarily unemployed (due to retrenchment/ contract termination)/ Presently on involuntarily No Pay Leave for a period of at least 3 consecutive months/ Presently experiencing salary loss of at least 50% for at least 3 consecutive months from all jobs (part-time/ full-time)

  • For Self Employed Persons: Experiencing average loss in net trade income (NTI) of at least 50% over a period of at least 3 consecutive months, compared to their average monthly NTI in 2019 or 2020

  • NTI loss must have taken place after 23 Jan 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Singapore

Applicants who are dual-status workers- those who draw both a salary as an employee and trade income as a self-employed person need to meet either of the criteria to be eligible

How Does One Apply?

Applications are open from 18 January 2021 – 31 December 2021, 9 am to 10 pm daily (including weekends and public holidays).

Those who need help filling in the online application form can call the ComCare Call hotline (1800-222-0000) or email for assistance. Those who are not able to apply online can visit their nearest Social Service Office ( for assistance.

Processing Time

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of his/her application via SMS in about 2 weeks, upon submission of all required supporting documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I have received SIRS and past Covid-19 Support Grant, can I still apply?

Yes, if you require further assistance and if you are still receiving the payout, you can apply for the CRG from the last month of your payout date. And if approved, the CRG grants will continue from your last payout.

  1. I am currently under ComCare support, can I apply for CRG too?

No, as you have received comprehensive support for your basic living expenses.

  1. When will I receive the support funds after approval?

Support funds will be credited directly into your bank account every month for 3 months and it usually will not take more than 7 calendar days and the subsequent monthly payout will usually be on the 4th of the month

  1. I stay with my parents and do not own the property which exceeds AV of more than $21,000, Can I still apply?

No, to be eligible for CRG the registered address cannot be a property with an AV of more than $21,000 and is used as a gauge of wealth and family support to reflect the resources an individual can tap on.

Read alsoExpired or Expiring Singapore SME Government Grants from 2020 (Will Budget 2021 Provide New Support?)


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