SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme: Job Attachments Available for Mid-Career Job Seekers and SMEs [2023 Edition]

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SGUNITED Mid-Career Pathways Programme

This article was originally posted on 21st August 2020, and recently updated on 25th July 2023.

2023 Latest Update For Mid-Career Seekers

Starting from 1 April 2022, SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme has been made available for all Singaporeans and PRs who are mature mid-individuals aged 40 and above since its last update. The application process is still the same and anyone interested can apply through MyCareersFuture portal today!

Once logged into the portal, you can select 'For mid-career attachments' under Government Support section with filter to view the available attachments.

Update on Funding Rates: For Host Employers

Did you know if individuals fulfill their performances during the attachment, they can enjoy full-time role after successful assessment at the host organisation?

Previous Update to Mid-Careers Pathway Programme 2021

As announced during Budget 2021 on 16 February 2021, the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme, as part of the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package, will be extended to 31 March 2022.

From 1st August 2020, more than 13,000 job attachments across various industries will be available for mid-career job seekers who can apply through the portal. This comes under the new traineeship scheme, SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme, which is part of the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package announced in the Fortitude Budget in May.  As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect the global economy as well as the Singapore economy, the impact on the jobs of Singaporeans remains as one of the top concerns. The SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme aims to provide attachments and full-time training courses for mid-career job seekers, at the same time to widen their professional networks and gain new skills for the future.

SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme - Company Attachments

Mid-career job seekers have the opportunity to apply for industry-relevant attachment programmes, ranging from four to six months, to gain meaningful and relevant experience while receiving a training allowance. This will also help them to meaningful work experience while boosting their employability for more permanent jobs in the future.

Although a job is not guaranteed after the attachment, the host company can consider hiring these workers, if suitable, when business conditions improve.

Read also: How SMEs & Job Seekers Can Benefit From the Career Trial Programme 2020

For Host Organisations:

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Host organisation must be registered or incorporated in Singapore,
  2. Offer attachments ranging from four months to six months (Attachments must commence by 31st March 2021),
  3. Provide clear attachment descriptions and development plans that would provide mid-career individuals with meaningful developmental opportunities during the attachment period, subject to approval by the appointed programme manager,
  4. Co-fund 30% of the training allowance for the duration of the attachment.

How To Apply

Organisations interested to be host organisations to take on mid-career individuals on attachments, can fill up this Interest Form.


Required Documents for Host Organisation's SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme Application: 1. SGUP Attachment Details:, format must be in xlsx/xls (Excel).
2. SGUP Development Plan: SGUP Development, format must also be in Excel.
3. ACRA Biz File is required only in PDF format (2 MB per file size) with validity of No later than 3 months from the date of application.
4. Workforce Size Verification: CPF ROP 90 to be consolidated into 1 PDF file for full-time (Singaporean/SPR) and/or foreign workers. CPF ROP 90 should be ≤ 2 months old.
5. Supporting Documents to verify Point of Contact (POC)/Senior Management: i) ACRA Biz File, ii) Email correspondence from Government agencies, financial institutions (e.g., banks), telcos/public utilities, and vendors/suppliers and iii) Name card. The above documents must reflect POC/Senior management's name, email address, and registered business name for this application.
6. Trainer CV(s): Full name and designation of each trainer should be indicated in the Development Plan.
7. Whitelist Submitted Email Address(es) only if required: Whitelist the email address: to receive emails and notifications from SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme.
8. Check Junk Folder: For all generic mailboxes (e.g., Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail), check the JUNK folder for emails and notifications from SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme.

For Mid-Career Job Seekers:


Eligibility Criteria

All Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PRs) above age 40 are welcome to apply, with the exception of recent graduates.

Fresh graduates should apply for the SGUnited Traineeship Programme.

How To Apply

Mid-career individuals who are keen to apply can visit and search for attachment opportunities under the hashtag #SGUP or select “For Workplace Attachment, If you are mid-career seeking attachment" under government support. Click here to explore SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways – Enterprise Attachment opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can my organisation start the attachment programme?
Attachments can commence after the following is in place: 

1) Host Organisation’s application for attachments positions has been approved by SBF
2) Host Organisation posts the attachment positions on portal and selects suitable applicants
3) Attachment agreement has been accepted and signed by the successful candidate(s)
4) Attachment positions on portal updated with successful candidates’ selection
5) Letter of Offer for SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways –Enterprise Attachment programme issued by SBF to the host organisation.

How many mid-career individuals can a host organisation take on?
The number of attachments accorded to each host organisation will be evaluated and approved by the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), based on the submitted development plans and the ability to provide mid-career individuals with meaningful growth opportunities.

How will the 70% Government Funding for the training allowance be provided?
Host organisations are required to pay out the monthly training allowance to attached mid-career individuals on a monthly basis. Correspondingly, SBF will reimburse the government co-funded portion of the training allowance on a monthly basis to the host organisations on the programme.

What is the maximum/minimum duration of an attachment programme?
Host organisations can offer an attachment of up to 6 months. Host organisations will be given a duration of about 2 months to take on suitable mid-career individuals from their application approval. We encourage all host organisations to provide an attachment for a period of at least 4 months to ensure mid-career individuals are able to have a meaningful attachment and take away industry-related skills. All attachments must begin by 1 April 2022.

Are host organisations able to offer monetary benefits (ie bonuses) and overtime?
Discretionary goodwill benefits are to be non-monetary only. As attached mid-career individuals are not employees, they will not be entitled to bonuses or eligible for overtime/shift pay. But host organisations are allowed to provide them with transport or meals allowances on a reimbursement basis (with proof of receipts). Do note that these allowances are not covered under the 70% funding and would be at the host organisations’ cost.

Must the mid-career individuals be unemployed to be eligible for this programme?
The programme is targeted to assist unemployed mid-career individuals. Participants should be able to commit to the programme on a full-time basis, at the point when they start the programme. However, if you are 40 and above but are currently employed or self-employed, you can apply onto any of the approved attachment opportunities found on MyCareersFuture.

During the course of the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme - Enterprise Attachment, can a Host Organisation terminate the attachment?
In the event of unforeseen circumstances or unsuitable attached mid-career individual fit, host organisations can terminate the attachment while providing sufficient notice to the mid-career individual, as stipulated in the training agreement. They should seek approval from SBF, our programme partner, with an explanation for terminating the attachment. Likewise, attached mid-career individuals are also allowed to leave the attachment at any time if there are good reasons to do so (e.g. managed to secure a full-time job) and while providing sufficient notice. Government funding for the training allowance will be provided for the duration of the fulfilled attachment. 

 Can an attached mid-career individual leave when the attachment begins?
Attached mid-career individuals are encouraged to stay on in the attachment until completion, to pick up valuable industry experience to boost their employability. However, attached mid-career individuals can leave the attachment at any point in time, if there are good reasons to do so (e.g. offered a full-time role elsewhere). Before doing so, attached mid-career individuals should provide sufficient notice to the host organisation, as stipulated in the training agreements.

As an attached mid-career individual, if I am offered a full-time role with the host organisation while on attachment, can I accept it?
Yes, host organisations can offer their attached mid-career individuals with a full-time role, if they find the individual’s performance satisfactory. When a full-time position is offered by the host organisation, the attachment should be terminated before entering any employer-employee relationship.

 What happens upon the completion of the attachment?
Upon the completion of the attachment, attached mid-career individuals will cease their training at the host organisation. Host organisations can decide if they would like to hire the mid-career individual on a full-time basis based on the attachment performance. Attached mid-career individuals are also able to pursue career opportunities elsewhere.

 What kind of benefits (annual and sick leave etc.) can Job seekers get while on attachment?
As this is an attachment where there is no employer-employee relationship, host organisations are not obliged to offer employee benefits to attached mid-career individuals. Host organisations may choose to offer non-monetary benefits on a discretionary goodwill basis.

Will there be any deduction to the attached mid-career individual’s training allowance if he/she takes more than the proposed annual leave accorded during the programme period?
Host organisations may exercise the right to deduct the mid-career individual’s training allowance proportionately for such instances but will need to inform SBF in their monthly submissions. WSG will fund 70% of the revised Training Allowance after deduction. 

Who will be paying the monthly training allowance?
The monthly training allowance will be given to attached mid-career individuals by the host organisation on a monthly basis for the duration of the attachment.

Will there be CPF Contributions during the course of the attachment?
Under the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme –Enterprise Attachment track,there is no employer-employee relationship.Host organisations will not make any CPF contributions during the period of the attachment.

Are attached mid-career individuals eligible for Job Support Scheme (JSS) payouts?
As attached mid-career individuals are not considered employees, host organisations will not receive JSS payouts for them.

How will the attachment matching and onboarding take place under this programme?
All attachment vacancies will be uploaded on, which will provide a single point for individuals to apply for such positions.Host organisations will then reach out to applicants directly based on their shortlisting and selection processes.

Who to contact if host organisation has poor HR practices?
Should attached mid-career individuals encounter any issues with the host organisation, they can reach out to the Singapore Business Federation, our programme manager, with the following 

Contact Number: 6827 6828

Am I allowed to apply for attachment vacancies if I’m currently on a contract/ part time employment?Yes, you may apply onto any of the approved attachment opportunities found on Mid-career individuals will need to ensure that they can participate in the attachment programme on a full time basis to qualify for funding, if they are selected by the host organisation for the attachment applied for. 

What if mid-career individuals are unable to secure an attachment?
Applicants unsuccessful in securing an attachment can sign up for other attachment opportunities on or seek assistance from WSG’s Career Connect Services and NTUC’s e2i’s career centers.

For any FAQ not answered above, you can refer to the factsheet here.

Read also: Navigating Singapore's Budget 2023: What Businesses Need to Know

SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training

Alternatively, mid-career individuals may also embark on full-time training with reputable companies and market leaders in order to acquire industry-relevant skills. This programme provides potential participation in workplace immersion and industry projects to allow trainees to apply the skills learned.

Courses under the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training originally commenced from mid-Aug 2020, with new courses opening for enrolment through to Mar 2021. As announced during Budget 2021, the SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training will be extended for another year to Mar 2022, and the courses have to commence by 31 Mar 2022. A targeted 10,000 jobseekers will be supported through the programme.

From 1 April 2021, course durations will be shortened to a maximum of 6 months. A training allowance of S$1,500 per month will be provided. Do take note that there is a training course fee, which is between S$500 to S$1,000 after Government subsidy. SkillsFuture Credit may be used to pay for the course.

Who is eligible?

Mid-career jobseekers with two or more years of working experience who are looking to boost employability through training.

Frequently Asked Questions (credit:


More answers to other questions can be found here. A list of eligible Company Training Courses to join under this programme can be found here.

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